Ministry in Chile continues to grow

Chile - The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism mission teams are preparing to plant a new church in Santiago's Puente Alto in Chile.

The teams have modified a house to serve as their temporary meeting place. The team's major focuses include: church planting, Bible correspondence courses, theological and missionary kid education.

Another focus is the Baptist Bible Institute and Seminary which trains Chilean believers for leadership positions in national churches.

ABWE missionaries serve on teams with Chilean Christians, and twenty-four churches have resulted from their joint efforts.

As a result, widespread contact with Chileans is a result of the Bible correspondence courses. Many have come to accept Christ through personal Bible studies and have become active in their local churches.

Missionary children attend pre-K through 12th grade at Santiago Christian Academy, a beautiful complex near the scenic snow-capped Andes Mountains. Santiago Christian Academy is staffed and administered by ABWE. Both career and short-term missionaries are continually needed to fill teaching positions.

There is a tremendous potential in Chile for reaching people for Christ. The ABWE team needs people to train future leaders in theology and practical areas of ministry, and those from a variety of professions with numerous talents to help reach Chileans with the Gospel message.