Ministry Teams Arrive in Brazil for Evangelistic Outreach

Hundreds of volunteers from throughout the United States have arrived in Brazil for an evangelistic outreach in the world's third largest city, Sao Paulo. The team has traveled from Oregon, Maryland, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Indiana and numerous other regions to converge on Sao Paulo to present the gospel of Christ during the coming week.

The evangelistic outreach, sponsored by the Sao Paulo Baptist Convention, will be the joint effort of 250 churches. Teams from all across America will spread throughout the city and share the gospel in homes, schools, on the streets and then conduct evangelistic meetings in local churches.

Sammy Tippit Ministries, one of the groups that have traveled to Brazil for this major outreach, has reported that a team of 80 persons will take part in the outreach. Also, Wayne Jenkins, Evangelism Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, has a group of 180 persons for the outreach in Sao Paulo, while the Arkansas Baptist Convention has a group of 40 who will share the gospel in the city during this coming week.

Team members expressed a sense of excitement about the outreach in Sao Paulo. When asked about the impact of the crusade, Dwayne Smith from Stuart, Florida replied, "I am fully anticipating a mighty move of God's hand in Sao Paulo this week. As in other mission trips that I have been involved with, I know that my life will be changed as well."

For Suzie Floyd Holdsbrook of Cameron, Texas, this week is about being an example of God's forgiveness and unconditional love. She says, "My prayer for myself and others is that we have a renewed spirit. May we serve the Lord in ways that are pleasing to him."

"I am so excited about being in this awesome city of Sao Paulo",says Nita Allison, of San Antonio, Texas who is on her first evangelistic trip. Her desire is that this team will be able to encourage and strengthen the believers here as well as reap a great harvest of souls for the Lord.

Jonathan Yoder, a young team member from Nappanee, Indiana shared these thoughts upon his arrival. "It is obvious God is up to something big. He has specifically brought this group of people here for one bring lost souls to the kingdom! I'm excited God is allowing me to be a part of it."

As teams minister throughout Sao Paulo during this coming week, the ministries are asking for the prayers of the Christian community.

The week will conclude with two great evangelistic events at the Portuguese Stadium in Sao Paulo. Evangelist Sammy Tippit will speak on Saturday and Sunday at the stadium.