'Miracle Baby' Survives Abortion Pill and Miscarriage, Family Thanks God

Miracle Baby
Miracle Baby Adam Gray/SWNS.com

Michelle and Ross Hui can still remember the devastation they felt after doctors told them the baby in Michelle's womb had died after a mere six weeks following conception.   

The grieving mother of two was given an abortion pill to make sure nothing was left in her uterus. However, when doctors gave her an ultrasound, they were shocked to hear a tiny heartbeat. They discovered an incredible surprise: Michelle was pregnant with twins, and one had survived the miscarriage.  

"The miscarriage and abortion were absolutely horrific. The ten days between the miscarriage and going back to the hospital were just a blur," Michelle told the Daily Mail.

'But then I saw this little heartbeat. I thought it couldn't be right. After all we had been through, I didn't want to get my hopes up. The doctor went out and came back in with a more senior doctor and he did the scan again and he said, "You are not going to believe it, we've got a heartbeat". It was the best feeling ever.

Today, the baby Megan is a healthy, vibrant 18 month old girl. The family continues to marvel at what they call their "miracle baby."

'Now Megan is fine. She is just a big healthy pudding of a baby. The doctors said it was a blessing. They have never heard of anything like it."

The young mother says she is thankful for the ordeal, as it has brought the family closer together.

"We were always a strong family, but to be honest it has just made us stronger," she said.

The couple says they are dismayed by the medical professional's failure to notice a second baby in the womb and horrified at their willingness to prescribe abortive pills.

"As happy as I was, I was angry they had missed her on the scans. They said with all the blood and clots it must have created shadows so they couldn't see her," said Michelle.

According to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, abortions are usually successful, as only 4% of babies killed by such pills survive-making Megan's birth mystifying to doctors.

'I have very, very occasionally heard of rare cases of a miscarriage of one baby, and then seeing another on the scan," said Katherine Hales, a spokesman from the Association of Radical Midwives, which campaigns for improved maternity care in the NHS.

'But I have never heard of this happening. I can't think of a medical reason for it to happen - it is just luck.'

However, Michelle knows Megan's birth was no lucky coincidence.  

"Someone had been looking over us," she said.