An annual program organized by Ambassador for Christ (AFC) Canada mobilizes teenagers to walk out of the comfort zone and to serve their neighbors.
"Mission Across the Miles" (MAM) is a summer outreach program. The target group is Chinese residents as well as students scattered among Canadian cities. It was first initiated in 1976 with an aim to train participants in the area of personal evangelism and team-work through short-term mission trips.
The locations where MAM serves spread out to remote towns all over Canada and even in the United States, in order to share the love of Christ to the needy. Started with the first trip to Montreal Olympics, MAM have gone to Ontario, Alberta, Canada East, Michigan, New York and other states.
Entering the 30th anniversary of MAM, a new series of mission trips will help students mastering the concept of missions and to experience them. MAM will start reaching out of North America and go to Mongolia in Asia.
MAM encourages all born-again Christians who is grade 12 or above and receive recommendation from pastors to join the program. Prior to the mission trip, participants must attend all training and preparation sessions. They are also required to speak either Mandarin or Cantonese.
The mission trips are divided into three levels. Level one is just based in Ontario, Canada while level two will be visiting Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. The destination for level three is Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and it is for university students only. Over the three different trips at different countries, students are to engage in visitation, personal evangelism, teaching English, and cultural exchange camp.
For those who have accomplished all summer’s program, they will be invited to the graduation ceremony by the end of September to receive certificate, to listen to testimonies and presentation. A re-commissioning ceremony will be held as well.
For detail information, please refer to the website.