More than 132,000 Men 'Unleashed' to the Nation

Promise Keepers has unleashed its final group of thousands of men, completing its 18-city tour for 2006.

Promise Keepers has unleashed its final group of thousands of men, completing its 18-city tour for 2006.

The end result after this past weekend: more than 132,000 attendants; more than 3,000 first-time decisions for Christ and another 3,000 rededicating their lives to Jesus; and a bunch of men across the nation fired up to impact their family, church and community.

Completing their 16th season of conferences, Dr. Tom Fortson, president and CEO of the men's ministry, commented: "It is an awesome privilege to encourage so many men with such a spiritually effective weekend experience. These men are telling a compelling story with their lives. Any man who is a passionate follower of the Lord Jesus Christ will impact his family, his church and his community in powerful ways.”

The final two-day conference this past weekend drew 6,500 men to the Glendale Arena in Arizona where a send-off message charged pastors, laymen and sons to release "the raw power."

"It's hard and it's scary," said Rodney, a Phoenix area teen who committed his life to Christ at the conference, "but I know he has a calling on my heart and I want to answer that. Tonight I made my choice to stick it out and keep on following him, whatever it takes."

Senior Pastor Steve Vincent of Scottsdale Christian Church who brought 25 other men with him said, "I've seen the impact [Promise Keepers] has made on people. PK reminds us to do what we already know, but in this atmosphere, it helps us follow through. I look forward to seeing the impact it's going to have on our church."

Promise Keepers has been on the move nearly every weekend for the last five months, inspiring men to "unleash" their full potential. Keynote speaker Dr. Bob Reccord, former president of the North American Mission Board, helped tens of thousands of men identify their struggles and turn their lives around for a promise-filled future.

"Getting together with a few thousand of your friends just never gets old," highlighted Steve Chavis, director of Communications for Promise Keepers. "Seeing men make a bold change in their life’s direction, repenting and committing to Christ, by the hundreds every weekend, never gets old."

Last year's Awakening conferences involved more than 176,000 men in 20 cities. In 2007, Promise Keepers will hit 16 cities and feature specially focused shorter events called "PK Select."

"Promise Keepers is a stepping stone - a way to promote spiritual greatness in men," said Steve Okamura, a conference attendant and leader of the men's ministry at Desert Christian Fellowship in Phoenix.

Support raised during the 2006 conferences included 170,000 pounds of food donated to local Christian food banks and 213 units of blood donated at just four conferences.