Most Popular Church Stories of 2007

Topping this year's most popular story related to Church is "The God Questions" campaign which was launched early this year after a couple of pastors discovered that Christians were seeking answers to many of the same questions about God that non-believers were.

The Christian Post's most popular list of Church-related stories is based on the number of views each article received from the Post's readers.

1. 'God Questions' Campaign Boosts Christian Confidence

Dr. Hal Seed and Dr. Dan Grider launched a 40-day campaign that equips churches with answers to the most commonly asked questions about God.

2. Outreach Magazine's Top 100 Largest, Fastest-Growing Churches

Lakewood Church in Houston with an attendance of 47,0000 topped this year's largest churches in the country. Gigachurches are on the rise as churchres draw 10,000-plus people each week.

3. Paula and Randy White Announce Divorce

The married Pentecostal duo who co-pastored Without Walls International in Tampa, Fla., one of the nation's biggest churches, drew support and criticism within the Christian community for their divorce this year. The split was amicable.

4. Carter and Clinton Launch New Baptist Covenant to Improve Baptist Image

Former president Jimmy Carter spearheaded the initiative to reverse the negative image of Baptists and to unite them around the gospel's compassion mandate such as helping the poor and sick. The initiative has drawn criticism from conservative Southern Baptists for political overtones.

5. Jack Rogers, Theologian, Claims the Bible Does Not Condemn Gays

In contrast with the view of most Christians, Jack Rogers of San Francisco Theological Seminary says the Bible does not condemn Christian people who are gay and believes churches should be leading the charge for the equal rights of gays and lesbians.

6. Joel Osteen Resonates in Society where Damnation Messages Don't

The megachurch pastor is continually criticized for his "theology lite" messages that avoid the cross and suffering of Jesus Christ. But with 3 million copies of his first book sold, his positive messages are being embraced by an overstressed society.

7. Church for Men Aims to Reverse Feminization of Christianity

Part of a growing movement to bring men back to church, Church For Men caters services to men and addresses issues that men typically struggle with.

8. Survey: Reasons Why Young Adults Quit Church

Looking into the increasing trend of young people leaving the pews, the LifeWay Research study found that young adults were most likely to leave church because they "simply wanted a break from church."

9. Outreach Magazine's Top 25 Multiplying Churches in America

Having helped start more than 50 churches in New York, Redeemer Presbyterian Church topped the magazine's list.

10. Los Angeles Preacher Sues ABC's 20/20 for Falsely Presenting Him as an Overly Wealthy Pastor

A "20/20" news program featured the Rev. Frederick K.C. Price as saying he owns a 25-room mansion, a private jet and luxury automobiles. The preacher's lawyer said he was falsely portrayed and ABC made a full retraction and apology on the air.