Mothers Pray for Their Children and the Schools

WISCONSIN -- Mothers of Moms In Touch International, an ecumenical group of Christian women who gather weekly to pray for schools, at Plover are looking to expand their prayer circle.

MITI organizers are trying to get more women involved so that prayer groups can be established in each of the local schools.

Locally, MITC in Plover started three years ago when Teri Moomaw and Amy Timm decided to start meeting to pray for the students and staff at Ben Franklin. Now their prayer boundary has expanded to P.J. Jacobs Junior High School and St. Paul Lutheran School. They pray for the students' safety, that new students will fit in and find friends, for the faculty and even for Superintendent David Schuler.

"It has been slow to start," Moomaw said. "It seems like it's starting to take off. It really has been a wonderful thing."

Timm said, "It's nice to get the encouragement, to have another person praying with you and for your children. We pray behind the scenes. We don't ask anything from the schools. We don't lobby the schools."

Timm lastly mentioned that the group does not address anything from the Bible and all the prayers they give are confidential. "Everything that we pray about stays in the group," she said.