MSEP Strengthens Outreach Programs in Athens

Major Sports Event Partnership helps Christian missionaries to effectively unite and communicate together as they continue to do mission work at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

Major Sports Event Partnership (MSEP), established in 1998, has united numerous Christian ministries around the world in Athens, providing a comprehensive Christian network to support evangelism in this city where the 2004 Olympic Games are being held.

These Christian volunteers call MSEP “More Than Gold” because they have witnessed the powerful work of God through this partnership. Through this effort, missionaries from more than 150 countries have been brought together to work on the same goal of evangelism.

Besides unifying many different ministries together, MSEP also serves as an effective communication network allowing fast transporting and sharing information among Christians.

“We are a network, and not an organization, [a network] that is Spirit-led and Kingdom-minded,” Michael Wozniak, global facilitator of MSEP, said.

In an email interview with Baptist Press, Wozniak emphasized that MSEP is not simply an instrument carrying out its function as a communication network. Rather, it helps to unite Christians worldwide together as they work with one voice, the voice of Christ.

“We are seeing this play out in Athens as resource agencies, churches and community agencies bring different gifts to the table that complete the body (body of Christ),” Wozinak said.

“We have learned that we can do so much more collectively than alone. First of all, it is biblical. Second, it avoids duplication. Third, it maximizes our efforts and models good stewardship. Lastly, an organized platform provides peace of mind to the organizing sports bodies knowing that we are working together with one voice,” he added.

One of the many activities that MSEP involves in is distributing the More Than Gold pin, a primary witnessing tool for the Athens Games. Pins are used as salvation bracelets which are given away for free.

The pin depicts a red flame with five different colored stars, each representing a part of the plan of salvation. For example, Blue represents hope, followed by black (darkness), red (Christ’s sacrifice on the cross), gold (eternal life) and green (growth).