NASCAR Driver's Best-Selling Book on Performance-Based Prayer Teaches Christians To Succeed

Robert Bakke
Robert Bakke's new book promises to teach Christians to "learn that the road that leads to miracles is paved with your personal performance." Robert Bakke Ministries

An inspiring new book by NASCAR driver Robert Bakke, "Prayer at Full Throttle: How Performance-Based Prayer Makes Miracles Happen," has earned its place as an Amazon #1 Best Seller due to its groundbreaking insights on America, money, and success. In his book, Bakke teaches Christians to understand that the "road that leads to miracles is paved with your personal performance."

"Many of our current political leaders have fueled 'class warfare' to divisive levels and its killing America's ambition.  We've got to get this corrected if America's economy is ever going to return to prosperity." Bakke explains, "People are being brainwashed into thinking that wealth and those who have acquired it have done something unfair. But let's be honest...if any one of the people who believe that were to receive a million-dollar inheritance, they would jump at it. It's hypocrisy to the extreme, so let's get real."

According to Bakke, money is not the root of all evil. Rather, it is the 'love of money' that is evil, because the love of money leads to "greed." Bakke goes on to explain how a nation is "never to borrow, but only lend," a particularly relevant truth in light of America's mounting debt.

"As much as we are being taught to condemn those who are successful, the fact is, people are thirsty for the truth about economic growth, so let's give it to them," Bakke says.

"And forget all that religious nonsense about poverty being a good thing and read the book yourself," (the Bible) says Bakke, "Many significant figures in the Bible were the wealthiest men on earth. Not only did King David achieve great wealth through God's favor, but God blessed King David's son, Solomon, with so much wealth that God declared Solomon the wealthiest man that would ever live on earth. People need to know that it's okay to work hard and become successful if we're ever going to turn America back around. It's time to replace jealousy and class warfare, with ambition."

According to his website, Bakke, who is also a jet captain and aerobatic instructor, black belt in Shotokan karate and an ordained minister, was running a multi-million dollar company by the age of 24. However, despite his successful business career, he moved on to captian jet aircraft and teach the "performance" of God's word, receiving his Certificate of Ordination as a Minister of the Gospel in 2012. 

Bakke recalled how his eyes were first opened to the power of prayer and performance after reading New Testament while in college. "I couldn't understand why they didn't teach this stuff in church," he said. "It rewrote the religious nonsense I had heard on Sunday mornings. It was the most encouraging and powerful information I had ever laid my eyes on. It completely changed what I thought about God, myself, and my capabilities. When I had finished reading it, I truly believed we can accomplish anything, especially when we are living in the greatest country on earth. America."

Even more impressive is the fact that Bakke's chart-topping book is self-published--something he was warned not to do.

"Everyone was telling me not to self-publish. They said it would cost too much money and would never go anywhere. Funny thing though, I've spent my life accomplishing what other people said wouldn't work. Sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and go for it."

Prayer at Full Throttle is available at in paperback and e-book.