Christian professors, spouses, and graduate students from public and private universities across the U.S. and several other countries will gather to explore how they can relevantly apply their Christian faith in their teaching.
The 3rd biennial National Faculty Leadership Conference will be held at Hilton Mark Center Hotel in Washington D.C. from June 24-27 with the six objectives which NFLC represents in an acronym, ‘LEAVEN.’
· Leadership - to assist faculty in their growth as leaders spiritually
· Encouragement - to give faculty refreshment from the Word and fellowship
· Affirmation – to remind conferees of their high calling as professors
· Vision - to expand professors' understanding of how God can use them
· Equipping - to impart ideas for practical ministry and faith-scholarship integration
· Networking - to connect professors with the fellowship and support of a movement of believing scholars
Conference director Rich McGee explained of the conference by saying that "Knowing the incredible power of professors' platform, our mission is to reach, equip and encourage professors who are called by God to make a positive difference in the university."
The conference is co-sponsored by two other ministries including Christian Leadership Ministries and faculty ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International.
For more information, contact Rich McGee at 972-713-7130.