National Media Prayer Breakfast Gathering in Hollywood for Christian Voice Support

In the wake of the success of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, Christians in Hollywood continue the spiritual movement started by the "Passion" film by calling the nation to prayer for the entertainment industry.

The morning of breakfast and prayer will be held in the International Ballroom of The Beverly Hilton in the heart of Beverly Hills in alliance with the Hollywood Prayer Network. This premier event will be produced and directed by George Taweel, 30-year veteran of professional work in the direction of TV, video, event, and film production.

The very first annual National Media Prayer Breakfast will be held on October 1, 2004, at The Beverly Hilton where 365 of the most influential figures of the media will gather -- celebrities, top producers, directors and decision-makers of media organizations.

Sponsored by Mastermedia International who has been mobilizing prayer for the top leaders of American media, the event will mark Mastermedia's 15th year of organizing prayer through its Media Leader Prayer Calendar. Mastermedia has distributed the widely recognized prayer calendar personally and via the web to more than 50,000. The calendar is featured in the People magazine, Daily Variety, on National Public Radio and even in the story line of NBC's hit TV series The West Wing.

"For decades, the nation has been called to prayer for leaders in government and education at breakfasts in Washington and other major cities," says Dr. Larry Poland, chairman and CEO of Mastermedia International. "But no people influence the world like media's decisionmakers. We have been seeing a spiritual renaissance in media both before and since Mel Gibson's film, and now is the time to focus prayer for those who run global media."

Remarking on Christian influential movements, Poland states that supportive prayer is a more positive alternative than 'angry strategic' boycotts and protests directed at the entertainment industry in the past.

"An event like this is overdue," says HPN director Karen Covell. "We couldn't be more thrilled to be sharing in this effort to call America and the world to pray for those who influence the values and cultures of our planet. They need our prayer support and God's guidance."

The National Media Prayer Breakfast is a Christian event open to people of all faiths. For information, call (866)807-6672 or visit:,, or