National Basketball Association point guard and evangelical Christian Jeremy Lin asks others to join him through his monthly prayer requests distributed via emails in praying for a disheartened world.
The 27-year-old basketball star pointed out that recent events, including the U.S. presidential campaign, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, racial tensions and many other world issues, have shown him more and more how this world is "still so broken."
"Hopefully we can pray that even amidst our world's brokenness, God's name and glory will be revealed!" he declared.
The Bay Area athlete also asked that everyone pray for global Christian revival. He stated there were specific areas he feels God has put on his heart, such as Asian-Americans in the United States who are lukewarm in their faith, and the billions in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong who don't know Christ. "I obviously care about many other places, but these are very near and dear to my heart," said Lin, who was born in America but whose parents emigrated from Taiwan to the United States in the mid-1970s.
The Charlotte Hornets' offensive player praised God for some sports-related factors as well. He told fans a restful All-Star break allowed him to heal some nagging injuries and deepen relationships in his team bible study.
He celebrated a recent surge in team performance, fun times with family and friends visiting and a chance to be in Charlotte for some games.
Linn also asked fans to pray for "MKG," Michael Anthony Edward Kidd-Gilchrist, who had season-ending surgery. Linn said Kidd-Gilchrist is a huge part of the Hornets' team and has had an extremely difficult season with the injuries. So, Linn prays for his speedy recovery, for him to stay positive mentally and to draw closer to God as he fights through this obstacle in his life.
Linn, who earlier this month admitted he was unhappy with his NBA career until God began "working out in his heart," asked for personal prayers as he works through frustration with my jump shot and overall performance.
"The new shooting form has been one of the most frustrating things of my career," he shared.
"I know it will pay off in the long run but going through the adjustment process has been harder than I anticipated, so prayer for the right mindset, great muscle memory and a pure heart that shoots and plays solely for God's approval would be greatly appreciated!"