NCC-SCUPE Gatherings Help Churches Fight Poverty in Their Communities

Six regional gatherings - in Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, Shreveport, Indianapolis and Atlanta - in January and February will focus on how churches and faith-based organizations can work together to end poverty.

Co-sponsored by SCUPE (Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education) and the National Council of Churches, the regional gatherings are in preparation for the March 11-14, 2003, SCUPE Congress on ‘The Witness of the Church Amidst Poverty and Plenty,’ to be held in Chicago. The schedule and contact information for the regional events follow.

Los Angeles, January 17-18, 2003: "Sustaining Work for Justice, A Conversation for Practitioners of Faith." Contact: Kristina Mata,

Seattle, January 23, 2003: ‘Urban Leadership Consultation -- Dialogue on Ministry to Poor.’ From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church on Seventh and Seneca in Seattle. Contact: Lisa Connelley,

Philadelphia, January 25, 2003: ‘A Prophetic Vision: Ending Poverty in Philadelphia.’ From 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Eastern University's Campolo School for Social Change, 10th and Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia. Contact: Melody Porter,

Shreveport, February 6, 2003: SCUPE regional conference, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., followed by an optional tour of the Shreveport area. Contact: Louisiana Interchurch Council, Rev. Dana Krutz, Executive Director: ; phone 225-924-0213.

Indianapolis, January 31, 2003: Christian Theological Seminary. Contact: Carol Hornbeck,

Atlanta, January 31-Feb 2, 2003: ‘First Annual Urban Town Hall Meeting for Socially Conscious Grassroots Organizations.’ Venue: The Teaching Museum South, 689 North Avenue, Hapeville GA, 30354. Contact: Tee Garlington at (404) 371-9085;

By Albert H. Lee