The NES Classic Edition had a great run while it lasted -- and much to the chagrin of many, Nintendo decided to pull the plug on it not too long ago. This is rather surprising actually, as you do not discontinue a particular product that has been selling so well all this while. Still, Nintendo stuck to their guns concerning the NES Classic Edition, despite knowing just how it continues to get sold out the moment it is put up for retail availability. For the very last time in this lifetime, the NES Classic Edition was put up for sale on Best Buy, and as expected, the latest batch sold out in the twinkling of an eye.
The reason for ceasing the production of the NES Classic Edition remains unconfirmed as at press time, but there has been whispers going around pointing out that Nintendo had its hand forced in order to pave the way for the Nintendo Switch. After all, to fawn over two different consoles at the same time would mean possibly cannibalizing the sales of the newer console, which is not a good thing especially when you would like to make a big push with the Nintendo Switch. It also did not help that the production line of the NES Classic Edition could not really keep up with the pace of the demand, either.
First released in the November of 2016, the NES Classic Edition was a surefire way to reignite the old school love for 8-bit titles. The nostalgia that came with the NES Classic Edition could not be harped upon enough, and it also had its quirks such as a way too short controller cable, the ability to hook it up to your new flat screen TV via an HDMI cable, and to play with the screen effect making it look as though there were interlaced lines all over. Another major difference between the NES Classic Edition and its inspiration which awed children all over the world more than 30 years ago is doing away with the cartridge slot. The NES Classic Edition came with 30 games pre-loaded, and these were different depending on the region in which you lived in.
The latest NES Classic Edition stocks is said to be prohibited from being sold online, which means it is based on a first come, first served basis at regular retail stores. The secondary market has proven to be a happy hunting ground for anyone who is willing to let go of the NES Classic Edition, with some actually selling at triple or more than that.
It is all about demand and supply, and right now, the demand continues to be strong. We can only expect the secondary market price to inflate beyond what we see at the moment as reality sinks in, knowing full well that there will never be another batch of NES Classic Editions any more that will hit the store shelves of Best Buy and other retailers. Will Nintendo make a U-turn for this console's production? Let us hope so.