New 'Intelligently Designed' Board Game Highlights Clash

Prominent Christian actor Kirk Cameron and best-selling author Ray Comfort have created a new breed of board game based on the clash between intelligent design and evolution.

Prominent Christian actor Kirk Cameron and best-selling author Ray Comfort have created a new breed of board game based on the clash between intelligent design and evolution.

The game, appropriately named “Intelligent Design Versus Evolution,” sets out to portray both theories, but places more emphasis on intelligent design, a theory that has often been viewed by scientists as only faith-based.

“We are very excited about this game because it presents both sides of the creation-evolution argument, and in doing so, shows that the contemporary theory of evolution is perhaps the greatest hoax of modern times,” Cameron said in a statement.

Evolution has come under fire in recent years by proponents of intelligent design who believe that living organisms are so complex they must have been created by a higher force rather than evolving from more primitive forms.

In the United States, supporters of both camps have often clashed over what students should be taught in public schools. Most recently, a suburban school board in Georgia that put stickers in high school science books saying evolution is "a theory, not a fact" abandoned its legal battle to keep them after four years.

The creators of the “Intelligent Design Versus Evolution” board game have used symbolism to drive their point across about intelligent design. As playing pieces, they have used tiny rubber brains, and the point of the game is to collect as many “brain cards” as possible. The person with the most brains at the end wins.

Comfort explained, “There are brains all over the game, because we want to make people think deeply about what they believe.”

“This is because the average person doesn’t know that the evolutionist lives by a blind faith in an unscientific theory.”

The board game also comes with an award-winning DVD titled “The Science of Evolution.” It depicts a prose where Cameroon and Comfort go to lunch with an orangutan and discuss the theory of evolution.

“This game didn’t happen by accident,” Comfort concluded. “It was intelligently designed with a specific purpose in mind, and we hope it creates a big bang in the Christian and secular world.”