New Jesus Film released

A new "Old Testament Version" of "JESUS" has just been released, and many Christian leaders and missionaries believe that it will be a very effective tool to reach to the people of Iraq.

After the fall of Saddam Hussein, many believe that freedom is in clear view in Iraq. And under this new freedom, it is reported that the people of Iraq are seeking to know the "God of the Christians" much more than before. There are 24 million people in Iraq, and well over 300 million more Muslim people in other countries of North Africa and the Middle East and Christian leaders feel many may be ready to respond to Christ if someone points the way.

The new version of "JESUS" is an adaptation that contains a powerful seven-minute introduction and new evangelistic close that is said to help Muslims bridge the gap in their understanding. This version shows how Jesus fits into the scope of world history, His relationship to God and His position as creator of the world by linking Jesus to the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets, whom they revere. Believing that this moment in history is particularly strategic, Christian leaders and film teams are asking for 100,000 video cassettes of "JESUS" in the Arabic language as soon as possible.

On average, in this part of the world, it was determined that a single video could be seen by 12 people. And so to a country that wishes to know who Jesus is, if the claims about Him are true, and if He did die and rise again, the "JESUS Film Project" will be made available to answer their questions.