New Media Library of National Youth Ministries Launched

Assemblies for God (AG) has a lot of youth ministries nationwide, ranging from fine arts to global missions. Now, they will be organized. Tom Greene, national youth ministries director of AG, has announced the launch of “nymedia”, comprehensive media library of AG’s national youth ministries.

The site, created by Amber Weigand-Buckley who also manages the site’s content, will offer viewers constantly updated news, press releases, downloadable photos, and other resources such as links to brochures and promotional videos. Also provided will be nym-related articles from Assemblies of God publications dating back to 2000.

The new library will ensure that the events happening in the youth ministries won’t go unnoticed.

"The beauty of nymedia is that it can help anyone plug into what's happening in Assemblies of God youth ministries," Greene says, "And the biggest perk of all -- it's free."

Buckley says the text-driven site was created with the user in mind. All the content on the site such as news or ads can easily converted into church bulletins and flyers.

"Nymedia is a valuable resource for youth ministry event planning. There's some incredible stuff available that will enhance your ministry to teens just a few mouse clicks away," James Pauls, national youth ministries public relations coordinator, says.

Although the site has been launched, it leaves room for improvement.

Greene concludes, "This is one more statement of our desire to enhance every youth ministry in America. If you need more, let us know. Tell us how we can help you win, build and send students for the cause of Christ."

The nymedia domain is: