NFL Rumors: Denver Broncos' Peyton Manning Injured, Brock Osweiler-Vernon Davis Chemistry Takes Over MVP's Spotlight

By Mitch de Leon
Peyton Manning
Peyton Manning is the son of former NFL quarterback Archie Manning and an elder brother of New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning

One of the most highly anticipated matches of this NFL season is that between the Denver Broncos and the New England Patriots. To be more accurate, though, fans and followers of the football community are incredibly eager to see a clash of the quarterbacks. That is, the said face off's highlight will be the battle between Peyton Manning and Tom Brady.

Unfortunately, the match-up between two of the most remarkable quarterbacks this season will no longer be happening. Manning incurred a foot injury that will have him on the sidelines for at least two weeks. The Denver Broncos star has been advised to use a walking cast to help in his recovery from the plantar fascia tear.

"Peyton and I had a good visit today, and we've got a plan in place for his recovery," shared Gary Kubiak via an official press statement. The Denver Broncos head coach added, "His foot will be in a cast for at least a week, but he'll be able to be part of meetings and do some workouts with the rest of the team. We expect him to be unavailable for at least a couple of games. We'll proceed from there and will continue to support him as he does everything he can to get healthy."

Taking over his spot is Brock Osweiler. The backup quarterback had been the second round overall pick of the Denver Broncos in 2012. Osweiler played for the Arizona State University before his entry to the Denver Broncos locker room. His debut game as a starter for the Denver Broncos had been against the Oakland Raiders in Week 4. Fans and followers of the NFL team were quick to note that Osweiler did well in his first football match in Manning's shoes.

"Peyton has been great to me," shared Osweiler to the Denver Post. The former San Francisco 49ers star went on to state, "He's talking me through all of his past experiences against the Patriots. He was helping me out at practice, asking me questions. I love having him around. It's a great brain to pick."

Although the guidance of Manning has been understandably helpful, the success of Osweiler's playmaking could also be attributed to his easy chemistry with Vernon Davis. The tight end is a recent addition to the Denver Broncos squad. Davis spent time with the San Francisco 49ers before his entry to Osweiler's team.

"Sometimes it takes awhile to get on the same page and develop that chemistry with a quarterback," revealed Davis. He went on to state, "But with this guy, it's like we connected from Day One." Davis then shared that his transition from the San Francisco 49ers to the Denver Broncos had been quite challenging. However, he now sees the silver lining in the unexpected roster move he underwent.

Davis shared, "Everything that is difficult turns out to be really good. That's the beauty of being here and I saw it right away. I was like, 'Wow, I dreamed of being in a place like this, a system, a coach who understands talent.' "