Nintendo has plans, and part of them involve a new console and a new Zelda game. The console is the NX, which finally is set for a release date next year, and the long-awaited new The Legend of Zelda game, which still has no subtitle, will probably be released at the same time (along with a Wii U version of it). It is a big gamble from the former video game giant in order to compete with the likes of Microsoft, Sony, Steam, and the mobile gaming industry, and perhaps their plans for a movie will help.
You heard that right; there are plans for a movie from Nintendo, according to Ubergizmo. It is going to be released within the next 2-3 years, but you will see it. This report that confirms the existence of this film says that Nintendo will have as much control over this film as possible.
This really should come as no surprise, as Nintendo has said before that they are open to the idea of making films based on their intellectual property. Shigeru Miymoto has stated: "As we look more broadly at what is Nintendo's role as an entertainment company, we're starting to think more and more about how movies can fit in with that-and we'll potentially be looking at things like movies in the future."
So the big question is what Nintendo is putting on screen. Most people would probably reject the idea of a Mario movie, because this was tried back in 1993 with Super Mario Brothers. Yes, this Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo film probably killed video game films as we know it, and the film could have created a genre of video game movies that could have been as popular as superhero films are today.
If Nintendo is really trying to make a movie based on its source material, then it seems the most logical choice would be something related to The Legend of Zelda. We have already reported that it is possible that The Legend of Zelda could have a Netflix show, so perhaps a movie would be too much.
Still, it is very apparent that Nintendo is betting their entire franchise on The Legend of Zelda. After the new Zelda game was delayed in 2015, it became very apparent that the Wii U would not have its own iteration of the fantasy saga.
In fact, it sounds like Nintendo will release their latest The Legend of Zelda game with the Nintendo NX, and it will be a game that is so good that gamers will have to purchase the NX just to play it. The NX is set to be released in March of next year, so perhaps Nintendo fever will catch on by then. This might generate hype for whatever movie that Nintendo is doing. If it is not Zelda, then might I suggest a huge spectacular science-fiction epic with Metroid.