It is pretty clear that in the three-man video game console race, the Nintendo Wii U is dead last with the PS4 in the lead and Xbox One in second. This is especially terrible as the Wii U launched at the end of 2012, one year before the PS4 and the Xbox One was released. Considering that there was a time when the Wii was a top seller, Nintendo should have taken advantage of this lead. As it stands, Nintendo's next generation system, which has the working title of the Nintendo NX, could begin another winning streak. This is what Nintendo needs to do with the Nintendo NX to get back on top.
According to Gotta Be Mobile, it has been confirmed from Nintendo that the Nintendo NX is, at least, being worked on. Nintendo has even said that they will be sharing more about the Nintendo NX in 2016. If that is the case, then it is possible that the NX could be announced at E3 2016. E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is a big video game convention that takes place at the Los Angeles Convention Center during the summer.
Nintendo announced the Wii U at E3 2011, but it didn't get released until fall of 2012. It was during E3 2012 where they showed it off, and it is possible that they could repeat the same pattern. This would mean that there would be no actual Wii U until 2017.
There are reports that not only would the Nintendo NX replace the Wii U, but it would also replace the Nintendo 3DS. Considering that the Wii U controller is practically a mobile device in its right, even with a camera, it would not be too difficult to turn it into an independent portable gaming console. In fact, this could easily be a reality already.
The issue is that Nintendo is competing with the mobile world and its platform of games which is very portable to smartphone and tablet users. It is possible that this is why the company is investing a lot in its social networking app Miitomo because they could be preparing for an age where mobile and console gaming are essentially combined with the Nintendo NX. If Nintendo were to add Virtual Reality to the mix, that would also replace the 3D aspect on the 3DS. Perhaps if they had some Google Cardboard, that would be worth talking about.
Another change that Nintendo needs to make is to have more gaming content. Right now, Nintendo is staying afloat with Mario and Super Smash Brothers and its gaming intellectual property, and a new Legend of Zelda game would ensure some new converts. However, why is it that games like Fallout 4, are not available for the Wii U? It's not like there are mandatory age restrictions as M-rated games have come to the Wii U in the past. The truth is that most AAA games are available for the Xbox One and PS4, but most don't even make it to the Wii U platform, and this feels like money Nintendo could be making but just chooses not to.
Also, can the Nintendo NX have a Blu-ray player or, at least, a DVD player? Sony and Microsoft have this going for them, and while Nintendo does have Netflix and other streaming platforms ready, it feels very out of date in this regard. Then again, what do you expect for a device that didn't have HD until its latest iteration?
This is just a few things that Nintendo needs to do to bring the Nintendo NX into a whole new generation of gamers. We will have to wait a while before we see what they end up doing.