Nintendo Switch Release Date, Price And Pre-Order

Nintendo has not revealed the official date of the release of the Switch. Penubag/ Wikipedia

There is a great deal of anticipation now for Nintendo's latest game console, the Switch. It is going to be the first offering in Nintendo's next generation of game consoles and is expected to go head to head with the current offerings from competing console makers.

The Switch was officially revealed through a video, but there is no official date yet regarding its official release, though March 2017 was mentioned in the video. For now, that would be all the information coming out regarding the release of the console. Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima made a statement saying that the next update regarding the console would come out in January 2017. That statement has started the speculation that maybe the console would have an early release date by January of next year.

Switch Price

Aside from the release date, there's a great deal of speculation about the price of the Switch. Fans are expecting a $299 price point of the Switch. Previous offerings from Nintendo have similar price points. For example, the Wii debuted at $250 and the Wii U debuted at $300. 

That is the range where the Switch might come in. With Nintendo doing so well in that price range, the company might not push it to go in the same range as that of the PS4 Pro/Xbox Scorpio price range. Observers are sure that they would not go way too much or way below their old price point.

Pokemon Fallout

Nintendo is on a roll right now, mainly because of the popularity of Pokemon Go. The company is going to cash in on its new popularity. If all goes well and according to the plans of the company, Nintendo will be using the momentum that it has been gaining in order to have a very strong March release for its Switch.

Switch Features

Another thing that fans are talking about when it comes to the Nintendo Switch is the range of features that it can offer. One of the things that people are excited about the console is that it might have VR capabilities.  

When Kimishima was asked during an interview whether would have VR capabilities. The Nintendo CEO said that while Switch may not have VR capabilities when it is launched on March next, but they are not ruling out the possibility of developing that in the future. That is something that fans would be looking forward to, even if they are unsure how that can be used for gaming.