Northwest College to University Status

An official change of name for Northwest College has been done to move toward university status after being approved by their board of directors in their May 2003 meeting. A timeline was scheduled for the selection of a specific name to take place at December 2003 and the official change in status and name in January 2003.

Dan Neary, the senior vice president for College Advancement commented, "We will now include several groups, including alumni and students, in discussions that will help us advise the Board on exactly what the name ought to become. Many possibilities have been discussed. At this point it seems very likely that the word Northwest will remain in the name. Some of the possibilities that have received positive responses so far include Pacific Northwest University, Great Northwest University and University of the Northwest."

Seeing that the differences between names of colleges and universities are becoming diverted in meaning, the issue had since been a topic of discussion for the Northwest College Board of Directors every meeting to change the name to ‘University’ as it is commonly acknowledged that Northwest College is a university. To becoming a respected university, the college is now taking several steps toward it.

For the past five years, Northwest College has undergone significant growth in enrollment of 30%. The fall 2002 enrollment had 1,120 with 862 students studying through residence-based program while the remaining studying graduate and adult completion programs.

This fall, the college will also offer Children’s ministry and Intercultural Studies major. Also, in May Northwest had conferred the first graduate will receive Masters in Counseling Psychology and the first class of students will begin Master of Business Administration this fall.

Mother’s Union Appeals for Debt Cancellation to Promote Social Development

The Joint Anglican Diocesan Mother’s Union in Ghana made an appeal at an awareness campaign of the need to cancel the overwhelming debt of the Third World Countries that is crippling their social development during a parade. The Union pointed out that completely cancellation of Third World debts is the surest way to aid these countries to make progress ahead.

According to sources of the Union, the money that is meant for development projects are often allocated to pay off their debts: an issue the Union had not been too happy about.

The Mother’s Union is a Christian organization that promotes the well being of families around the world and has about 1 million members in 65 countries. Just recently in the Union’s council meeting Mrs. Christine Gwira was elected as the new president for the next two-year term.