NY Chinatown Hosts Billy Graham Educational Courses

Chinese Christians gather all around New York to attend educational courses for the upcoming Billy Graham crusade.

Manhattan, New York - Christian Life and Witness Courses were taught all over the regions surrounding New York City (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn), including some regions in New Jersey, last weekend. The courses were an edifying experience for witnessing the Gospel of Christ in preparation for the upcoming crusade which estimates to draw a crowd of over 5,000 Chinese-Americans.

In Manhattan, at the Overseas Missions Church in central Chinatown, several Chinese pastors from all over New York guided Chinese Christians in becoming a counselor for the Crusade. Ephod Shang of Overseas Mission Church lectured in English, Rev. Billy Yip of Huo Zhu Church lectured in Cantonese, and Jeremiah Kong of OCM lectured in Mandarin.

Crowds numbered near the hundreds applied to be counselors for the crusade. For the crusade preparation, those participating have also attended the educational courses.

Sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, three educational courses held consecutively, each with pamphlets distributed to the attendants. These pamphlets provide memory verses, points of consideration and guidances to help them prepare for the crusade counselor examination.

Members from New York churches and those from non-profit organizations such as Salvation Army, participated in these courses. They have also encourage others to do the same.

"I feel very encouraged by everyone taking these classes. For me, the Word of God is a constant reminder. Taking these classes allows me to also fulfill 'my' responsibility as a Christian. Looking at Billy Graham who is 86 already years old and still faithfully [doing his work], I'm encouraged to teach these courses," said Ephod Shang, English lecturer for prospective Chinese American crusade counselors. "Because this is the next generation, we want to make sure they are well-equipped [to share the Gospel and evangelize]. It's an invitation for your willingness to serve."