OMF General Director to Visit U.S. West Coast

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF)' s first Asian International General Director will make an appearance in America April thru May.

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF)’s first Asian International General Director will make an appearance in America April thru May.

Dr. Patrick Fung’s visit marks his first time on U.S. soil since his appointment last December. OMF’s 10th general director, a native of Hong Kong, is the first Chinese assigned for this position in the OMF’s 150 year history.

Fung will deliver his first speech at the annual OMF Bay Area mission conference, near San Francisco, on April 28-29, followed by another plenary session near Los Angeles, May 1.

The theme for the first conference that Fung will be attending is "Planting Christ's Church in Asia!"

"Dr. Fung has also been invited to attend the Bay Area Chinese Ministerial Prayer Fellowship," said Larry Wilson, OMF Northern CA Volunteer representative. Wilson explained that the fellowship is comprised of 250 Chinese church pastors from all over California’s Bay Area, whom meet each month for prayer and fellowship.

A 46-year-old medical doctor who has worked with OMF since 1989, Fung and his wife Jennie first served in a Muslim context. Fung was named director of OMF-Hong Kong in 1996. By 2001, Fung became the OMF International Director for Mobilization.

OMF was founded under the name China Inland Mission by missions pioneer, Hudson Taylor, in 1865. After the last of the foreign missionaries were expelled from China in 1954, CIM workers met in Singapore and gave birth to OMF, which dedicated itself to world missions following the traditions set by the first inland mission movement.

Amongst those to congratulate Dr. Patrick Fung on his new assignment at a ceremony in Singapore was James Hudson Taylor III, oldest-living descendent of the famed missions pioneer.