OMF USA Overseas Missionary Fellowship Will Hold "Heart for Asia" Conference

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) USA is going to organize a special conference to address the mission in Asia. The "Heart for Asia" Conference will be held in New England on September 24.

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) USA is going to organize a special conference to address the mission in Asia. The "Heart for Asia" Conference will be held in New England on September 24.

Dr Neil Thompson, OMF US National Director is invited to deliver the keynote address. Other famous speakers included Mark Bradley, Director of Mobilization for OMF US, a former church planting missionary in Japan; Dr. Barb Hopwood, a professor of Christian education, theological English, hermeneutics and spiritual disciplines at Rantepao Theological Seminary in Indonesia for 10 years; Ashley Doemel, a graduate of the missions program at Moody Bible Institute and has served as the Serve Asia alumni coordinator at OMF USA headquarters.

A team composed of students from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary will also be presented at the Conference. The team has just completed its 4th summer project doing ethnographic research. Their study will help the missionaries to understand their respective fields in Asia.

During the Conference, there will be detailed news about the mission on Asia, biblical teaching, fellowship as well as strategic times for specific prayer.

OMF International was started as the China Inland Mission by James Hudson Taylor, in 1865. Today, OMF continues to serve throughout East Asia in a variety of ministries, including evangelism and discipleship, starting new churches, tentmaking, student ministry, English teaching and mobilizing and equipping Asian churches for world missions.

In 2005, OMF International has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founder’s death on June 3 and the 140th anniversary on June 25.

For further details of the "Heart for Asia" Conference, please visit