Opening the Book of Life

This year, the International year of Bible, was in Bratislava opened and exposition with the name: “Opening the Book of Life” on 30th of october.

More than 100 precious old Bibles from the historic library of Tranoscius, publishing house, from Liptovsky museum in Ruzomberok and privat sources from the whole Slovakia could be seen in Old evangelic lyceum in Bratislava till 13th of november.

From 27th of november will this exposition take place in Liptovsky Mikulas, and as the author, Karol Ilju Dvorak said: ”they will be glad to open it in many other cities”.

As the most precious are three Bibles printed in 1537, the first Bible from Tranoscius from 1899, hand written Bible from 1613, Melantrich Bible from 1560, Luthers zaltar or a book consisting of one bible vers translated in 500 languages.

“Bible is the invitation to meet the one, who loves us and by whome we will know ourselves and other people much more better “, said general bishop of Evangelic church at Slovakia Julius Filo. To be confined and looking only at ourselves and the closest surroundings , this is something that modern man have to be free of. “I believe that when people will touch the old Bibles , they will feel the desire to know the hidden world inside”, said J.Filo.