Oscar Pistoriou’s murder investigation is now dubbed as the “South Africa’s OJ Simpson case” and legal heavy weights are lined up for the court trial.
The 29-year-old model Reeva Steenkamp’s iPad could provide the key clue to the murder investigation after claims that a message from a rugby player may have provoked an argument that led to her being shot, according to reports.
A post mortem examination on the body of Steenkamp revealed a fractured skull in addition to the bullet wounds to the head, arm, hand and hip, according the City Press newspaper.
Moreover, a bloodied cricket bat was discovered, and authorities are calling it “the central piece of evidence”, forming a “rock solid” case that Oscar Pistorius murdered his model girlfriend in the early hours of Valentine’s Day, according to City Press, citing three sources close to the investigation.
They claimed that police found one bullet casing in the runner’s bedroom. Detectives have reportedly surmised that he chased his girlfriend and fired the first shot before she locked herself in the bathroom and he then fired three more through the door.
Pistorius’s family have insisted that Pistorius shot at Miss Steenkamp through the bathroom door of his home in Pretoria, believing her to be an intruder.
Pistorius spent the weekend in a police cell in Pretoria and was visited by his brother Carl and sister Aimee. A police source told City Press he was frequently in tears and had asked a visiting church minister to pray for him.