The Overseas Campus Magazine (OCM) announced the release of five new books on the subject of training Chinese intellectuals, Christian living, and God's purpose for women, according to their September newsletter.
Valley of Tears: The Obstacles and Solutions to Spiritual Growth in Chinese Intellectuals
This is a research project that took four years to complete, Jennifer Yang writes about the issues that affect the spiritual growth of Chinese intellectuals.
She highlights the "external phenomena" such as joy, sadness, happiness, business, love and pride, and the effect it has on our "inner qualities," such as life, what we value, and our worldview.
Jointly published with the Canadian Evangelical Fellowship, OCM said that, although the book is geared towards Chinese intellectuals, it can be used to describe "any newly converted people groups."
The Family in Christian Living
Morley and Sophia Lee talks in their book about how Christians need to live with faith despite the "deterioration of the family unit in today’s culture," and "the lack of moral principles."
Leadership and Teamwork
Wilfred Su describes the "biblical basis of team ministry in a church." In a total of 8 chapters, the book examines all types of team work and ministry, such as how to be a "team leader" who promotes "team spirit," and how to have a "goal-oriented team ministry."
The Role of Woman
In her solo work, Sophia Lee asks the question "What was God's purpose in creating woman?" The book provides a "comprehensive discussion" on what the role of women is in the setting of church, home and the workplace. Jointly published by the Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press and OCM, the book provides readers with biblical principles and examples.
Oracles of God: The Authority of the Bible
Published by Ambassadors for Christ and OCM, the book focuses on whether the Bible is inerrant. Li Cheng delves into the inspiration and revelation of the Bible and the questions that the Bible poses on evolution, theology, post-modernism, and whether man could have written it.
Overseas Campus Magazine is an evangelistic periodical targeting overseas Chinese students and scholars. Its purpose is to make its reader aware of the Bible, to answer their search for truth, and to encourage them to respond in faith to Jesus Christ.