After rocker Ozzy Osbourne paid a surprise visit to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, Answers in Genesis President Ken Ham praised the Lord for "all the opportunities He gives us to share the truth of God's Word."
Osbourne and his son, Jack, toured the life-size Noah's Ark replica the as part of their show, "Ozzy and Jack's World Detour," according to the AiG blog.
On Facebook, Ham confirmed the visit and praised God that the rock 'n' roll legend was exposed to the truth of the gospel through the exhibit.
"Yes, Ozzy Osbourne visited the Ark Encounter and the TV program turned out well! We praise the Lord for all the opportunities He gives us to share the truth of God's Word and the gospel with people around the world."
The 800-acre theme park includes an ark built to the measurements God gave Noah in the biblical flood account found in Genesis. Its exhibits put forth a "Young Earth Creationist" interpretation of Scripture that maintains the Earth is about 6,000 years old that the Biblical account of the flood is literally true.
Staff member Mark Looy revealed that the Osbournes were "very polite" to their staff as they walked in and around the park.
"Ozzy and Jack paid some very nice compliments about the massive ship," he said. "On the TV program that aired, you can hear them saying things like, 'Wow, wow, VERY wow.' And 'that is insanely big.' Plus, 'absolutely unbelievable.'"
Looy said that while he and other staff members were "quite happy to welcome father and son," the Ark Encounter staff still urged viewer discretion when the episode aired on November 29 due to the duo's frequent use of profanity,
"Just as with all Ark guests, we wanted them to be exposed to our Bible-based teachings, including the gospel message," he said. "We had no idea what the final product would look like. But even though there were some cringe-worthy moments in the final piece, we were happy to have welcomed father and son and exposed them to the gospel. Of course, we were excited about the national TV exposure the Ark received."
The Ark Encounter is open to people of all faiths, Looy added, pointing out that previous visitors have ranged from former President Jimmy Carter, "a Christian who does not accept the historicity of Genesis," to evolutionist and secularist Bill Nye "the Science Guy."
"Indeed, we urge atheists, even those who are the most hostile toward Christianity, and people of all other faiths, to visit our attractions, for our Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are all about proclaiming the vital message that the Bible is true from the very first verse," he said.
In an earlier interview with The Gospel Herald, Ham said that reports from atheists and the secular media that the ministry's Noah's Ark-themed park is failing are not only entirely "false", they're proof that the exhibit is effective.
"The fact that we're getting such opposition from avowed atheists tells you that we're doing something right, because if we weren't doing something that was effective, they wouldn't oppose us," Ham said. "The sort of opposition they give, it's a feather in our cap to say we're doing something, we're being effective."
"In the long run, it's given us a lot of publicity," the popular speaker and author said, citing Genesis 50:20, which reads, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."