Chinese Independent Christian film named “Parable Productions,” a film group started by Rev. Billy Yip of Huo Zhu church, recruits volunteers to begin its debuting project. The vision was planted through Rev. Billy Yip after seeing many talented youth in the area of film-making. With this vision, he wanted to give them a place where they can make films for God.
Parable Productions is the first Chinese Gospel media organization founded within the Chinese community of New York City. As the name suggests, it places its focus upon the heavenly parables within the teachings of Jesus Christ.
According to the film crew, in the very beginning, the members did not know anything about the different aspects of film-making; however, through the construction of projects, one by one, they are gathering experiences, which would eventually provide ample knowledge to handle larger-budget projects.
Meanwhile, the positions that are available include actors, make-up artists, stage crews, and camera man, montage, and musicians.
Currently, the plot of the first project illustrates a crisis in church, where the reverend and the deaconess are engaged in a fight between altruistic motives and selfish ambitions in leading the congregation in dealing with a homeless.
Reverend To has the heart bless the congregation, and thus receiving praise from his followers. On the other hand, the deaconess, Tsui, who also seeks to gain praise from her peers, keeps insisting upon the importance of discipline, wisdom, and cleverness in handling situations.
One particular day, a homeless person wanders in the church. While the reverend welcomed the beggar with the intent to win the hearts of the congregation through the display of his merciful posture, the deaconess, in disgust, opposed the idea and bringing the church into conflict and an exchange of diatribe.
The theme of the film are acceptance, forgiveness through focusing upon the hidden motives of the believers.
For furthering planning, Parable Productions will have its vision conference at the Chinese Christian Herald Crusade headquarters in New York on May 22 . For more information on this group, visit their website which is still under construction at