Pastor Saeed Abedini Writes Letter to Iranian President from Prison Cell

Saeed Abedini and his son
Saeed Abedini and his son.

From the confines of his prison cell, Pastor Saeed has written a letter to Iran's new president asking for his freedom.

His heartfelt plea: "Considering the fact that I came to Iran to serve the orphans, please do not let them make my children orphans and my wife without a guardian," reports the American Center for Law and Justice.

"Most of us know that there are places in the world where Christians undergo immense persecution for their faith," writes "But distance breeds forgetfulness, and for too many of us, out of sight does mean out of mind. We cannot, however, forget our imprisoned brothers and sisters."

Saeed Abedini, a 33-year-old pastor, father, and husband from Idaho, is imprisoned in Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran. On July 28, 2012, during a visit to Tehran to visit family and to finalize the board members for an orphanage he was building in Iran, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard detained Saeed, asserting that he must face criminal charges for his Christian faith, reports

After intense interrogations, Abedini was placed under house arrest and told to wait for a court summons.

"On Sept. 16, 2012, instead of receiving a summons telling him where to appear, five members of the Revolutionary Guard raided Saeed's parents' home in Tehran, confiscated many of Saeed's belongings, then took him to an unknown location, according to "After four days the Revolutionary Guard informed the family that Saeed was in solitary confinement in the notorious Evin Prison."

The ACLJ has also joined with Pastor Saeed, launching a letter-writing campaign to Iran's president on a new website. It's a critical effort - and they need your response.

The goal is 52,000 letters for the 52 weeks of his illegal imprisonment, according to the ACLJ.

Take action! Click here to donate, sign a petition, write a letter on his behalf or share related content on social media. You can sign the letter or write one of your own, and the ACLJ will deliver it to Iran's president.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and its globally affiliated organizations are committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world.

By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law and human rights law, the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are dedicated to the concept that freedom and liberty are universal, God-given and inalienable rights that must be protected, according to

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As a non-profit organization, the ACLJ does not charge for its services and is dependent upon God and the resources He provides through the time, talent, and gifts of people who share our concerns and desire to protect our religious and constitutional freedoms, according to