Planned Parenthood Paid Supporters to Throw Condoms at Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiornia, Report Reveals

Carly Fiorina
Planned Parenthood protesters confronted Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina at a Iowa Hawkeyes tailgate. Getty Images

Planned Parenthood paid some of its supporters to throw condoms at Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina during an Iowa Hawkeye tailgate on Saturday, a disturbing new report has revealed.

"On Saturday, women wearing pink, some of whom were paid by Planned Parenthood, protested Mrs. Fiorina at a campaign appearance in Iowa, throwing condoms and chanting, 'Women are watching, and we vote,'" reads a recent report from the New York Times.

According to Breitbart News, the Planned Parenthood supporters were angered by Fiorina's criticism of the organization following the release of controversial videos which purport to show the leading abortion company illegally profiting from the sale of aborted baby parts.

An NBC News video of the incident shows protesters holding Planned Parenthood signs and chanting, "Carly Fiorina off-sides for telling lies" and "women are watching and we vote." ABC reporter Jordyn Phelps also tweeted images of the protesters as well as of the condoms thrown.

Fiorina immediately responded to the protestors while they continued shouting slogan that were heard in the background:"I wish they'd learn the facts instead of propaganda," she said. "I think we're making a difference. That's my reaction. I think they're scared that the people of America are starting to look at what's really going on in a Planned Parenthood clinic. And, they can't deny what's going on so they shout slogans instead."

Amid the protests, Cindy Shireman, a patient from Planned Parenthood, confronted the GOP presidential hopeful, claiming Fiorina doesn't support women's health.

"She came on and said she was concerned about women's health and as a cancer survivor I told her I was too," Fiorina told NBC of the incident. "And, she said she was concerned about women's rights and I said I am too.

"I said you ought to do a little fact-checking before you come out here and shout propaganda. One of the facts I asked her to examine was the millions of dollars Planned Parenthood gives Pro-Abort Democrats."

According to the Washington Post, abortions make up three percent of medical services provided each year by Planned Parenthood. The group completed 327,653 abortions during its 2013-2014 financial year.

During a lengthy discussion with NBC Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd on Sunday, Fiorina argued that the Planned Parenthood protests were simply a distraction from their profiting off of aborted baby tissue and organs, while claiming that the majority of Americans agree with her position when given the facts.

"Yesterday I was protested by Planned Parenthood people who were throwing condoms at me. I don't know what that has to do with this," she said. "They're trying to distract the American people from the hideous reality that Planned Parenthood is aborting fetuses alive to harvest their brains and other body parts. That is a fact. Planned Parenthood will not and cannot deny this because it is happening."

Fiorina also urged Republicans to stand up and fight to defund the over $500 million Planned Parenthood receives in taxpayer funding.

"Taxpayers are funding this activity. And not only that, not only are taxpayers having to fund this butchery, but Planned Parenthood doles out millions of dollars every single election cycle to Democrat candidates," Fiorina said.

"This is a political slush fund on top of being butchery that Americans, again, whether they're pro-life or pro-choice, cannot support."