PlayStation Plus Free Games for July and August 2015: Free Games Rumors and Predictions For August Not Out Yet

Rocket League.
Available this July 2015 for free on PlayStation Plus. Product Reviews

PlayStation Plus subscribers always anxiously await when their free games will be announced for the month.  Below is a list of freebies for the PS4, PS3, and PlayStation Vita for July 2015, and it is only a question of what and when will be available for free in August of 2015.  As for the when, it could arrive a little late this time, but there have been some suppositions on what games will be available. 

According to the PlayStation Blog, July's PlayStation Plus games include some exciting ones like Rocket League, a futuristic sports action game which offers PS4/PC cross-platform play.  Rocket League is one of four PS4 games available, with another being Styx, Master of Shadows, a "goblin stealth game", according to Polygon. 

Available for the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita is Entwined as well as MousecraftEntwined is a rhythm game about a bird and a fish that are in love, that must unite to form a soaring dragon.  As for Mousecraft,  its website describes it as "an A to B puzzle game where players help mice in their relentless quest for cheese by stacking the world's most famous flocks: Tetrominos". 

The game Rain will be available for the PS3.  Rain is story of a boy who must save an invisible girl form ghostly creatures.  The boy enters into this world and can also become invisible, and can only be seen in the rain.  There is a lot of atmosphere and music to really make this world come to life, according to the PlayStation Store.   

For the PS Vita is Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved.  The Geometry Wars franchise has a history that began as a minigame created as a part of Project Gotham Racing 2, but has since flourished into its own gaming franchise.  These games are meant to replicate the playing of Vector graphics, a colored line with black background that was popular from retro arcade games back in the eighties. 

For those that are not familiar with PlayStation Plus, it is a paid PlayStation Network subscription service to provide users with some great features including having game patches and system software updates download automatically to the console, as well as getting some betas and demos of new games, not to mention the store discounts and the already mentioned free games.  The PlayStation online multiplayer requires a subscription to PlayStation Plus, and it costs $49.99 for one year and $17.99 for three months. 

There certainly is a lot of PlayStation Plus free games to enjoy for July 2015, but as for what is for August 2015, see if you can't figure out what indie game could use the time in the spotlight.  By the end of month is when the predictions for free games for the next month really start going.