PlayStation Plus Free Games for June is finally here. This month there will be four games on PS4, two on PS3, and two on PS Vita. In total, Plus members can try out six different games for free. We will explore each of these titles in the sections below.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zero (PS4)
Metal Gear fans will be pleased to find that this month's free games list includes Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Players take on the role of spec-ops soldier, Snake, as he embarks on a rescue mission in Cuba. The gameplay combines actions with stealth in an open world format. Gamers can either complete main objectives or go on side missions throughout the campaign.
Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition (PS4)
Set in a fantastical Shogun-inspired universe, Skulls of the Shogun has players commanding an army of undead samurais. This turn-based strategy game features cartoonish combat against a 2D backdrop. Players can choose between single and multiplayer mode.
Super Exploding Zoo (PS Vita, PS4)
In this zany puzzle strategy game, players attempt to save zoo animal eggs from being eaten by nefarious alien beetles. The only way to do this is to enlist the help of zoo animals that literally explode. Each creature has specific destruction values and abilities that can be used to defeat foes. Notably, the main objective is to blow up aliens.
Futuridium EP Deluxe (PS Vita | PS4)
The game has been described as a psychedelic, retro-inspired shooter. Players control a spacecraft while listening to thumping electronic music. Gameplay involves the classical shoot 'em up style that was popularized in the '80s.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (PS3)
This 2013 first-person-shooter takes places in the fictional Wild West. The linear storyline follows the exploits of legendary bounty hunter and gunslinger, Silas Greaves. Elements of gameplay include bullet-time, when the player can slow down time to land accurate shots. This is to simulate quick action - a staple now common to FPSs.
Cloudberry Kingdom (PS3)
According to Sony's PlayStation Blog, developers took two years to develop an artificial-intelligence program that could build random levels. The game is set against an older side-scrolling, 2D backdrop.
All six videogame titles are available for download until the end of June. Later this month, Sony will announce the next upcoming free videogame titles for PlayStation Plus. As always, the free games are available only to subscribers.