The Pokemon phenomenon simply refuses to die down after all these years. Who would have thought that such a simple idea would be able to continue for more than a couple of decades, and not only that, garner new generations of gamers along the way as the game evolves (just like the creatures in the Pokemon universe itself) to suit the current generation of gaming hardware? Pokemon GO certainly proved itself to be quite the mobile gaming hit earlier this year, where it sent droves of smartphone owners to actually walk more -- in the eternal quest to “catch ‘em all”. Well, updates to Pokemon GO have been made from time to time that introduced changes to the game, and here we are with word that there will be even more alterations introduced to the Pokemon GO universe with the upcoming update, where among the major ones will include the ability for Pokemon trainers to capture Legendary Pokemon such as the super powerful Mewtwo.
Needless to say, with that in mind, you can bet your bottom Pokeball that there is plenty of anticipation surrounding the upcoming update for Pokemon GO. Niantic Labs, the game’s creator, has already dropped some solid hints that point to a new bunch of Pokemon arriving some time next week, and this will most probably include the long desired Legendary creatures as well as the next generation of Pokemon. The Silph Road has gone through the new code that made up the latest update for Pokemon GO, and have broken it down into more manageable chunks for the average Pokemon trainer.
Pokemon genders point to possible breeding
We humans are not the only ones to feel all amorous, as Pokemon too, could soon have the need to breed with the introduction of genders in the upcoming update. There really would not have any reason to include the gender of a Pokemon if breeding is not going to be part of the process, and you can be sure that there will be someone out there who is crazy enough to conjure a table that will include the statistics and possibilities on getting the best offspring in due time, mark our words.
Not only that, there is also a separate “baby” reference for the game’s buddy system, and this could prove to be vital in supporting the theory that breeding will be part and parcel of the upcoming update.
Shiny Pokemon can be caught?
It looks like the extremely rare and “shiny” Pokemon can also be part of your collection soon, as references to such elusive Pokemon have been made. This will certainly whet the appetite of all Pokemon trainers out there, and you can be sure that there will be no shortage of strategies and endless walkabouts for those who want to complete their collection. Shiny Pokemon will obviously be ludicrously difficult to hunt down and will be a collector’s item, just like how they were in the traditional card-collecting game.
Trainer avatar is now customizable
Everyone loves to be unique, so the long overdue ability to customize your trainer avatar is more than welcome, not to mention being able to have your Pokemon wear special costumes. Perhaps in-app customizations might be part of the deal, who knows? Only time will tell.
So, with all of the above in mind, are you looking forward to the next Pokemon GO update? Let us wait for the announcement from Niantic Labs this December 12 as more -- or possibly all, will be revealed then.