Pokemon Go Latest Updates: Niantic Increases Speed Limit in 'Pokemon Go'

Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go on Windows smartphone Windows Central

In the horde of the recent updates that Niantic has been doing with "Pokemon Go," the apparent change of the speed limit baffles a lot of players. Gamers on the road noticed the increase of the speed limit required to continue playing the game.

With the game's history of causing minor accidents on the road since its release, Niantic did some twists and turns in informing and urging users to play safe while searching for Pokemon and PokeStops. Niantic attempted to lessen the speed limit repeatedly in the past which caused players to be frustrated, addressing the company to increase the limit.

This week, players noticed the considerable change of speed that Niantic placed in the limit. For the players to keep playing, they have to maintain a 30MPH pace, according to GameNGuide. Gamers who are searching while driving missed certain PokeStops and have sighted lesser Pokemon because of the immediacy. Even playing with the Passenger option, the game freezes up or displays a connection error when the speed limit is not met.

This speed limit change is an effort of the company to urge users to enjoy the game while walking in the streets, not behind the driver's wheel. The premise is to avoid unnecessary accidents for the players and the people around who might get affected.   

Meanwhile, "Pokemon Go" released a recent update in celebration of the upcoming holiday. The Christmas event will give players a double amount of XP in catching and evolving Pokemon. The Pokemon can also be sent in a group to the Professor which is a good chance in earning candies, according to Mirror.  

For the company to entice back the decreasing number of users, they will introduce 100 more Pokemon sometime this December. The 100 Pokemon will introduce 2nd Generation Pokemon that will greatly bolster list of available Pokemon.

Also, as part of the holiday update, Niantic stated that players could catch a Pikachu wearing a festive hat. The hat will still be visible with Pikachu even after December 29. Niantic recently stated in a Twitter post that festive hat Pikachu could evolve into a Raichu also wearing a festive hat.

"As we race toward 2017, we can't help but feel grateful for the support and reaction the Pokemon Go community has given us, and we're delighted to start rolling out select Pokemon for them to hatch," said Kei Kawai, Niantic director of product.