Good news for Pokemon fans around the world! The highly anticipated augmented-reality game is coming to Android and iOS devices sometime this year, according to Tsunekazu Ishihara, the head of the Pokémon Company. Moreover, the game will be available on Europe, North America and Japan first.
Now, here's the latest round up of news about Pokemon Go release date, contents and launch locations.
Pokémon Company director Ishihara conceived the idea of the game three years ago. By that time, It seems that he already know augmented-reality games will be the future of tech industry. Now, old and young fans of the Pokemon are waiting for the launching of the Pokemon Go.
The interesting idea about the game is it will let players catch Pokémons indifferent locations, such as parks, cities, mountains, fields and many more. Plus, it will allow Pokemon trainers to know who is the best among them.
In an interview with the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, Ishihara revealed new details about the game. The head of the Pokémon Company said the Pokémon Go will be firstly released in Europe, North America and Japan. After releasing it to the said regions, the company will launch the game on other parts of the world such as Asia, South America and Africa. Furthermore, Neurogadget predicted the game will be available sometime this year.
The Pokémon Company is still mum about the latest developments of the game. Based on the game's released trailer, Pokemon Go will come with a smartwatch that will inform players if there are any Pokemons nearby. The gadget will also serve as somewhat stats for keeping the Pokemons.
Every week, online websites publish about the rumored release date of the game, but most of the information came from unverified sources. But with the recent Pokemon Super Bowl commercial, the hype for the game is building up into the sky.
This month, the Pokémon franchise is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To thank their loyal fans, the company offers a commemorative new 3DS system with custom Charizard and Blastoise cover. The 3DS includes copies two of Pokemon's classic games---Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue.
Meanwhile, the developments of Pokemon Go might speed up as Niantic, the game developer, reportedly received a series of donations from some of the world's top companies. The Pokémon Company Group, Google and Nintendo are investing up to $30 million to Niantic to boost the creation of the augmented-reality game.