Recent Pokémon Z release date rumors have been proven false. Meanwhile, the nationwide U.S. retailer Best Buy is offering a discount on Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (ORAS).
iDigitalTimes reported that jumpy fans had misinterpreted a posting from Japanese-language blog Pokémon Line. This led a number of individuals to believe that Famitsu DS+Wii announced a possible launch schedule for Pokémon Z.
However, Pokémon Line merely stated that recent Pokémon Z release date rumors were false. As evidence, the site embedded tweets from Japanese fans. Unfortunately, non-Japanese fans leaped to the conclusion that the tweets confirmed an impending Pokémon Z launch.
So far, Pokémon Z remains an unconfirmed game that exists solely in the imagination of the rumor mill. The game is believed to be the successor to 2013's Pokémon X and Y. Latest gossip seems to suggest that Pokémon Z may debut at E3 2015 in June.
Even so, E3 2015 speculations remain uncertain as Nintendo already announced that it is not putting priority on mobile titles. Like its predecessors, Pokémon Z is expected to debut on the Nintendo 3DS mobile gaming device.
$10 on Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (Best Buy)
Happily, there is $10 discount on four Pokémon titles at Best Buy. These include Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, and Pokémon X and Y. Normally, all four games sell for about $40.
With the current offer, buyers will only need to pay around $30.00. Sadly, free shipping is not available.
Dragonite Promotion Event Coming this June thru July
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire fans may get the chance to acquire the level 55 Dragonite. The game is available on Nintendo 3DS. Players will have to visit their nearest participating GameStop store to receive a free serial code. Dragonite will be ready for download starting June 22 thru July 12. However, there is limited availability for the event codes. Hence, interested parties will need to act quickly.
Dragonite comes packed with a variety of powerful attacks including Dragon Dance, Outrage, Extreme Speed, and Hurricane. The flying pokémon comes with Lum Berry, which heals it in the heat of the match. Also notable is Dragonite's hidden Multiscale ability.
Besides Pokémon ORAS, players can call in Dragonite in Pokémon X and Y 3DS games. The upcoming GameStop event celebrates the recent Pokémon Trading Card Game: XY - Roaring Skies expansion.
According to the official Pokémon website, Dragonite is by nature kindhearted. It is often seen leading "lost and floundering ships in a storm to the safety of land." The first evolution stage for this pokémon starts at Dratini. Afterwards, Dratini evolves to Dragonair. Dragonite is the final evolutionary stage for the fabled creature.