Pope Calls on Believers to Build Christ’s Kingdom

ROME - Pope John Paul II called on all believers to cooperate in building Christ’s Kingdom, during his weekly appearance at St. Peter’s Square, Nov. 23.

"The mission of believers assumes full importance, called to cooperate in the variety of ministries and charisms, in the building of his Kingdom,” John Paul explained to the thousands of pilgrims.

John Paul also stressed the importance of realizing the solemnity of Christ. "In the course of the months we contemplated him in all his mysteries, from his birth to his Ascension into heaven, placing at the center the Pasch of his Death and Resurrection," said John Paul. "With the Apostle Paul, we acknowledge that God's plan is 'to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth' (Ephesians, 1:10)."

The Pope went on to thank "all those who put their talents and musical competence at the service of the liturgy." The service marked the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year.