Pregnant Woman Suffering From Crohn's Disease Sees Jesus On the Cross In Sonogram Photo: 'It's a Sign Everything Will Be Okay'

A sonogram of Aley Meyer's baby boy appears to show an image of Jesus on the cross, with video posted on April 20, 2016. Photo: Fox14 News

An expectant mother from Evansville, Indiana, has reported seeing an image resembling Jesus Christ on the cross in the sonogram image of her baby boy, which she believes is a sign from God.

Aley Meyer, who is 33 weeks pregnant with baby Easton, told 14 News that she didn't notice the unique shape someone pointed it out to her during a baby shower.

"We took a picture of it and blew it up on my phone to get a closer look and it is so much detail.  You can see the hair and his legs crossed and everything," said Meyer.

The soon-to-be mother, who suffers from a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, told the news outlet she believes it is a sign from God that her baby will be born healthy.

"I think it's pretty amazing...I've been on a lot of medicine for my Chron's Disease and I've been very worried about it so I feel like it's a sign that everything's going to be ok with him," Meyer said.

The image has already been shared on Facebook hundreds of times, with many saying it has bolstered their faith in God: "My mom shared it and she got 50 comments," Meyer said. "People are asking for permission to share it."

Earlier this year, the face of Jesus Christ reportedly appeared in the ultrasound image of the unborn child of a 29-year-old pregnant woman who had already suffered miscarriages in the past. Despite suffering from thrombosis, three months after the miraculous image appeared, the woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

"This is when I knew without a doubt that He had not abandoned us," the woman said after the experience. "I will never lose faith. I put all my trust in God, who throughout the pregnancy gave me various signs."

LifeSiteNews notes that ultrasounds are powerful proof of the humanity of the preborn child; four out of five babies are saved during private counseling sessions that follow an ultrasound.

However, even ultrasounds aren't without controversy: after a humorous 30-second ad for Doritos during the Super Bowl showed a baby in the womb reaching for the snack, the National Abortion Rights Action League tweeted, "NotBuyingIt - that Doritos ad using anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses[.]"

LifeSiteNews's John Jalsevac retorted, "Every couple who has ever had an ultrasound has watched their baby being 'humanized' right in front of their eyes, which is why having an ultrasound is such a beautiful and moving experience."

Melissa Conway, Texas Right to Life's director of external relations, also praised the ad for "clearly capturing the human emotions and reactions of the preborn child...Doritos acknowledges the awareness, feelings, and humanity each tiny life possesses."