Pro-Life Group Launches 'JumboTron' Tour across U.S. Broadcasting Planned Parenthood Undercover Sting Videos

Created Equal
Screenshots of a YouTube video posted by Created Equal that features the organization's JumboTron TV airing live video footage of doctors performing abortions. Created Equal

The pro-life group Created Equal has launched a new JumboTron campaign, announcing it will air series of sting videos showing Planned Parenthood executives trafficking in human aborted baby parts at cities, universities, and Planned Parenthood facilities across the United States.

The group, which stirred up controversy in 2013 after it broadcasted a graphic video showing first, second, and third-trimester abortions on college campuses, decided to air the Planned Parenthood sting videos on the big screen after a Monmouth University poll revealed 53% of the American people have not seen the controversial footage.

The lack of public awareness regarding the videos is due in part to blatant media censorship: since July, ABC, CBS, and NBC have devoted just 23.5 minutes to the story on their morning and evening news shows, Newsbusters reports.

According to Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell, the lack of coverage exhibited by ABC News is particularly egregious, as it "has not even aired one second of video footage (with audio) of the Center for Medical Progress's investigative videos."

Created Equal contends that starting this fall, it will "go where the mainstream media or internet won't go" in reaching the American public with "the truth of abortion and PP's trafficking of aborted baby parts." In broadcasting the videos from strategic locations, including Planned Parenthood facilities, college campuses, and other "crowded events," the group hopes to "advocate for the defunding and ultimate defeat of Planned Parenthood."

"Showing the videos from the Center for Medical Progress will outrage Planned Parenthood. At exactly the same time they're trying to cover up their crimes, we'll be continually exposing them. Because of the technology of the JumboTron, we get to do an 'end-run' around the biased mainstream media and go straight to the people. We want to defund and defeat Planned Parenthood," said Mark Harrington, National Director of Created Equal in an emailed press release.

So far, the Center for Medical Progress has released eight videos accusing Planned Parenthood of selling organs and tissue from aborted fetuses and illegally profiting from the sales. David Daleiden, the man behind the videos, told Politico the group plans to release several more over the next several months.

The most recent video, which was released earlier this week, shows StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer telling undercover actors posing as employees with a human biologics company that StemExpress receives fully intact aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood. The footage shows Ms. Dyer laughing about shipping fully intact fetuses and joking that such packages should carry warning labels to alert those opening it that an intact baby is inside.

In response to the shocking video footage, several Republican presidential candidates have called for Planned Parenthood to stop receiving federal dollars, and Republicans in Congress are demanding a crackdown on the organization.

To learn more about Created Equal and the JumboTron campaign, visit their website.