Promise Keepers Conference Focuses on 9/11 Event

More than 9,300 Christian men attended the two-day Promise Keepers event in Oklahoma City, on September 11, 2004. The crowd paused for a few minutes Saturday afternoon to pray for victims of the terrorist attack three years ago. It was the 12th of 18 conferences of the season.

The conference promoted a sensational atmosphere in the stadium where thousands of men promised that they would revolutionalize their roles in life following God's ways.

The crowd exploded with applause when Reggie Dabbs, a favorite among PK conference speakers and entertainers, declared that the terrorism tragedies of New York, Washington, and Oklahoma City did not bring down Godly spirit of America.

The event continued with a speech by conservative comedian Brad Stine, who commented that God put the right man from Texas in the White House when America was attacked on 9/11.

"It makes you realize the cost of freedom," Stine said. "We have to never give that up. It's worth fighting for."

Promise Keepers (PK)’s “UPRISING: The Revolution of a Man’s Soul” is based upon Erwin McManus’ book, “ Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul,”. The event is designed to help men understand God’s plans and purposes for their lives.

For more information about Promise Keepers and the event, please visit or call toll-free 1-800-888-7595.