Promise Keepers Reinforce Biblical Stands on Social Issues

While Promise Keepers (PK), nationwide men’s ministry, is organizing conferences for this year, the leaders of PK recently announced that they have changed their focus from a “movement” to a “mission,” seeking to bring greater impact for Christ.

By taking biblical, not political, stands on issues such as same-sex marriage, pornography, abortion, and other social issues, members of Promise Keepers are looking to restore Christian values that have been lost in today’s society.

Bishop Joseph Garlington, a frequent speaker for Promise Keepers, said it is vital for men to impact society for Christ when many people are involved in such spiritual battle.

"God doesn't just give you a voice just to move through the earth and be silent," Garlington said. "We can't talk about biblical manhood and not address the issue of homosexuality. We can't talk about biblical fatherhood and not address the issue of a biblical position as far as marriage is concerned."

Garlington also explained about how Promise Keepers is changing from a movement to a mission. "The Apostle Paul didn't give up his rights for Roman citizenship when he became a Christian. When it became necessary, he appealed to his rights as a Roman, and when things were being said, he simply said, 'Well look, I'm a Roman citizen,'" he said.

There are two upcoming Promise Keepers’ conferences. Due to Hurricane Charley, conference in Orlando for the last weekend was cancelled but conferences in St. Louis and San Antonio will be held for the next two weekends.