Prop 8 Defendant ADF President Offers Hope to Traditional Marriage Supporters

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed down decisions for the two cases that involve the institution of marriage. The High Court ruled against the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and left the Proposition 8 case in limbo.

Alliance for Defense President Alan Sears gave an update and analysis of the Supreme Court's rulings in a video statement while offering hope to the proponents of traditional marriages.

Here is the full text:

The United States Supreme Court has ruled in both of the marriage cases that involve California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While much of the outcome is disappointing and troubling, here is the good news:

There was no knockout punch here. We are still very much in the game. The advocates of same-sex marriage failed to get the 50 states mandate that they were after. Let me be clear. Proposition 8 appears to still be the law in California.

First let me address the profoundly disappointing decision of High Court which struck down portions of DOMA. This decision effectively means that we no longer will have an effective federal definition of marriage. It appears that the federal government may have to accept any version of marriage that a state invents. And the high court has also thrown Prop 8 into legal limbo. Here is what we know:

The court ruled that the representatives of more than seven million voters had no standing, meaning we had no right to appeal this case. That is wrong.

As Justice Kennedy Anthony in his dissent, this decision has frustrated the initiative process by failing to give the people their day in court. But for today, we simply don’t know what the fate of prop 8 will be.

Under California law, it appears that prop 8 still stands, because there is no appellate court decisions striking it down, which is necessary to void an initiative started in that state. Don’t be confused by all that you may be hearing. Portions of DOMA are down, but the ultimate fate of Prop 8 is unclear.

But most importantly there is no fifty states redefining marriage. The court ruling allows the nation more time to continue this debate in the purpose of marriage, and the consequence of redefining it.

What we want you to know is that Alliance Defending Freedom, together with our strongest allies in protecting marriage, are not caught off guard by this outcome. We can assure you that our call to restore the culture of thriving marriage has gotten steeper by this ruling, our commitment and resolve to achieving it has never been stronger.

Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."

We know the truth will ultimately win. The truth about the uniqueness of men and women, moms and dads, and the public purpose in the good accomplished through marriage will ultimately prevail. Even if it takes time and trial for generations to rediscover it, truth will prevail.

Until then, we will not waive in our efforts for marriage. We will have more to share in the comings weeks ahead. God bless you. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and continue to stand with us. Thank you and God be with you.