Radio Hope Expands Coverage and Ministries in Ecuador

Radio Hope, a joint ministry of SIM, HCJB, WMPL (World Mission Prayer League), and IMB is now broadcasting on the FM band in Ecuador, thanks to the recent purchase of Radio Fantasia.

"Much of the Loja Province can now hear our programs," writes Matthias Kabelka, Radio Project Manager, "and we see the potential to expand even further." Previously, Radio Hope had been limited to broadcasting on low-power AM, scarcely covering the city of Loja. With no FM licenses available, the team in Ecuador went to the owner of Radio Fantasia, in hopes that he would decide to sell his station to the evangelical ministry.

After many months of "dreaming, praying and working", Radio Hope was able to purchase Radio Fantasia. Now Radio Hope is able to reach a much larger area while at the same time drastically reducing electricity costs. As forwarding stations are added in the future, the programs will become accessible throughout Loja province, one of the largest least reached areas of Ecuador in South America.

Beginning in June, theological instruction will be offered on Radio Hope through the cooperation of HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, a local theological seminary, and SIM (Serving In Missions). The radio-based studies will offer an academic title to those who complete the courses.

In the future, the team of announcers, missionaries and board members hopes for Ecuadorian nationals to lead Radio Hope.