If you are not familiar with Rainbow Six, it is a highly popular video game based on a novel by the late Tom Clancy, author of several acclaimed and best-selling spy novels. The Rainbow Six game series focuses on an international counter-terrorist unit code-named "Rainbow". There are many sequels and expansion packs since the game's first release in 1998, and the newest is Rainbow Six Siege, which will have a heavy focus on multiplayer cooperation. Thanks to Gamescom, this is what is known about Rainbow Six Siege Release Date and Updates for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
According to VG 24/7, one of the features that Rainbow Six Siege is going to offer is the chance for an eleventh person to participate in 5 vs. 5 multiplayer games with what is called Spectator Cam. Rainbow Six Siege is all about strategy and how you position your players to take out the other team is important, as well as how to use your weapons and paraphernalia to bust through a wall or set a barbed wire trap. The Spectator Cam allows the observer a chance to watch a match in a real-time first-person or tactical view, which will allow them to see individual player skills, as well as their team tactics and objectives.
According to Gamespot, the beta for the Spectator Cam will launch for the PC version of Rainbow Six Siege for LAN and custom online games at launch on October 13. The spectator mode will not launch for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One until early 2016. We don't have a more specific date than that. An Ubisoft representative has stated that releasing the Spectator Cam in beta form on the PC allows the company to "gather feedback and iterate to ensure that the final version available on all platforms is of the highest quality".
Recent gaming footage has appeared from Gamescom, which is the world's largest gaming convention held every year in Germany. The video showed a new harbor map called Kanal and it is appropriately set in Hamburg, Gemany, with a German anti-terrorism unit. Germany seems to be the theme that Ubisoft is going with at Gamescom, and the company provided some more details about the "surgically lethal" German GSG 9 counter-terrorism team. There will be four distinct soldier types that include the Bandit, Blitz, IQ, and Jager.
You should be able to purchase Rainbow Six Siege on October 13 for the PC, PlayStation 4, as well as the Xbox One. If it is pre-ordered on the Xbox One, you can get instant access to the Xbox 360 versions of Rainbow Six Vegas and Vegas 2 via the backwards compatibility. Ubisoft is also hard at work on another Tom Clancy themed game with The Division, which has an initial release date that is scheduled for March 8, 2016.