In the digital age of social media, checking Facebook on a smart phones or tablets have become a daily custom. The Bible remains the best-selling book of all time and each year tops the number one spot, a record many Christians can be proud of. However, the number of users checking Facebook has now surpassed those who read the Bible by a significant percentage, according to new statistics.
With Facebook recently celebrating its 10th birthday, reports calculate that the growth of the social media service has reached over one billion active users. Founded by entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook impacted the form in which the world communicates. Covering media, politics, or the economy, news has never connected users worldwide to faster communication like social media.
The impact of the social network has been so profound worldwide, particularly North America where people choose Facebook over the Bible. Ironically, where Freedom of Religion is granted along with the right to carry a Bible, more people check in to Facebook than read the Bible, a right that many countries today still forbid. The Associated Press reports that in North America, over 143 million users are active on Facebook on a daily basis, while only 40 million people read their Bible daily.
While the numbers are astonishing, it is not surprising. Texas Representative Ryan Guillen responded to the statistics on Twitter, calling it "a sad reality." Other users on Twitter commented that Facebook is the Bible to many. One tweet (from @lowtax) read: "big shocker. I cant remember the last time I updated my bible.com profile."
The company which was first started in a college dorm room in 2003 by co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and a few friends has become a massive success financially. Zuckerberg became a billionaire in 2012, when Facebook was valued at $104 billion and by the start of this year, it has risen to $134 billion.
Meanwhile, Facebook has been used as a tool of evangelism; ministries and pastors, knowing just how accessible social media has become, uses them to spread their faith. On the Contrary, the network has also been a place to express religious contempt and freedom of speech.
The rise of Facebook has brought down the percentage of people reading the Bible daily, which is an astonishing 100 million number difference. The Bible has remained for centuries and continues to be the best-selling book of all time.