Bobby Jindal Suspends Presidential Campaign: 'This is Not My Time'

Bobby Jindal
Republican U.S. presidential candidate and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is seen on a video monitor on a wall inside the debate hall during a forum for lower polling candidates held by Fox Business Network before the U.S. Republican presidential candidates debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 10, 2015. REUTERS/Darren Hauck

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said on Tuesday he was suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, saying "this is not my time."

"We spent a lot of time developing detailed policy papers, and given this crazy, unpredictable election season, clearly there just wasn't a lot of interest," Jindal said on Fox News after announcing his exit from the race.

"I think the Republican Party has to lay out the pathway why we are the party for opportunity and growth," he said.

Jindal has consistently polled on the lower end of the pack of Republicans seeking the party's nomination for the November 2016 election. He received 0.8 percent of support in a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Louisiana voters will go to the polls on Saturday to pick Jindal's successor as governor, a race that has been surprisingly close in a typically Republican state.

Jindal said he would work on a think tank he formed after he leaves office. He declined to endorse another Republican presidential candidate on Tuesday, saying he would support the party's eventual nominee.