In the opening address of the 2005 First World Chinese Christian Leadership Seminar, Rev. Hsia Tsung-chien used the theme of “Called to be a Leader” and shared with everyone the qualities of a great leader. In the bible, other than Jesus, Moses would be one of the most picked characters with qualities that resembled a great leader. In God’s eyes, he is loyal and he is able to speak with God face to face, and he is also able to see the image of God. Rev. Hsia used the passage from Exodus 3 to illustrate how Moses was called to be the Lord’s servant and how God uses a leader.
"I need to see this grand vision."
First of all, a leader must have a vision and direction, and he must have followers. A leader must live with the vision and maintain sharpness in detecting the surrounding environments and is willing to asked “why”. For example, “Why is it that there are many foreign brides? Why is it that so many students study abroad at overseas?” Pastor Hsia said, “A pastor can be busy on usual occasions, and the life can easily become a routine. It is very easy to loose the direction if you are just enjoying the feeling of being satisfied at your accomplishments. Therefore, you must keep thinking about the vision that was given to you when God first called you.”
"I am here."
Second of all, a leader must answer to God’s calling, “I’m here.” While a vision is a picture, a commission is a pathway. If we answer to God’s calling saying, then God will sent you. “We shouldn’t only answer to God in the beginning, but we must always be able to say, “I’m here.”” Said Rev. Hsia.
"Who am I? How can I meet the pharaoh?"
After being called by God, Moses responded, “Who am I? How can I meet the pharaoh…?” Pastor Hsia said, “We need to always keep this humbleness by ask questions like ‘Who am I?’ and ‘How can I?’ It is during the times that we think we can, we run into trouble; we should remember that as leaders, it is very easy for us to become dirty or broken. We must remember that it is only by the grace of God that I am called. When Moses recognized that he is insufficient, God said to him, “I will be with you.” If God is with us, then who can be against us? Who are we afraid of? When you acknowledge the fact that you are insufficient, God will help us.”
"What is your name?"
Besides this, in order to become a leader of a church, we must have a deep understanding of God. Moses asked God, “What is your name?” We must always endeavor to deeply understand God, because there isn’t one day where can do that completely. Thus, our attitude must reveal this humility, “I’m not able to know you exactly.” When Moses asked God, God replied saying, “I am who I am.” This answer reflects that mankind cannot know God perfectly from any degrees or angles.
"You don’t believe in me, nor do you listen to me."
The main quality of being a leader is that he must be brave enough to face difficulties. Difficulties is always present, When we are willing to face them, then miracles will happen. God gave Moses the power to change the staff into snake when it is thrown on the ground; God ordered Moses to hold on to the snake and it will turn back into the staff again. Rev. Hsia said, “We wish to throw down our talents and abilities on the floor into the hands of God. Just as God has turned Moses’ shepherding staff into a staff of God, God will use it to perform amazing miracles like how Moses split the Red Sea and allow water to come out from stones.”
Last of all, Moses believed that he is insufficient in speech and he can’t lead the Israelites, so God granted him his co-worker –Aaron. Then Moses said, “Lord, who do you wish to sent, then sent that person!” Rev. Hsia said, “When we do the work of God, God will prepare our co-workers, even a team to finish and accomplish the commission that he has given to us.”