The world renowned Chinese pastor Rev Stephen Tong has resumed his expository preaching series in the beginning of 2006 across Asia.
The theme for year 2006 will be the Book of James for most countries. The lectures of Rev Tong are widely known as "Reformed Evangelical Expository Preaching." During the lectures, he will explain each verse in details in the designated book in the bible together with real lives examples. It has been very popular in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
According to the latest schedule of Tong in the first two months of 2006, just as the previous year, Tong is going to travel from country to country almost everyday of the week in order to deliver the messages in person to all Chinese believers.
Since Sunday, Jan. 8, the first preaching has been held at Newton Life Church in Singapore, continuing on the last reading on James 2:14-20 on Nov. 28, 2005. Tong will be in Singapore for the exposition session every Sunday 7:30 p.m. For Malaysia, the session is scheduled on every Monday at the Crown Princess Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 8:00 p.m.
Tong will be in Hong Kong every Tuesday, yet the exposition preaching in Hong Kong is themed on the Book of Ephesians, which has started since May. 24, 2005. The venue remains unchanged at the Tsim Sha Tsui Baptist Church in Kowloon.
For Taiwan, the first exposition preaching on the Book of James from Tong in 2006 was held yesterday and will continue every week at the Grace Baptist Church, Taipei at 7: 30 p.m. Tong spoke on Psalms 29: 3-9, explaining the almighty image of God through observing the nature.